Fatigue Stopper Fluted Rubber Anti-Fatigue Mat

From £60.30 EX VAT

Our Fatigue Stopper Fluted Rubber Anti-Fatigue Mat is an affordable and effective anti-fatigue solution and well-suited to environments where employees spend long periods on their feet. Designed to cushion and insulate from cold, hard flooring, the Fluted Fatigue Stopper boasts a dual-layer design that sees a soft foam backing bound to a hardwearing, anti-slip surface.

Benefits of anti-fatigue matting

Anti-fatigue mats play an essential role in reducing workplace-related health complications among employees who work on their feet. Common complaints anti-fatigue mats can help with include joint issues, swollen feet, and back, hip and neck problems. By preventing some of these problems, our mats help create a happier and healthier workforce.

Fatigue Stopper Fluted Rubber Anti-Fatigue Mat technical specifications

Our Fatigue Stopper Mat is 10 mm thick and benefits from an easy-installation loose-lay design that enables you to move and reposition mats whenever necessary. Measuring 0.9 m wide, the mats can be purchased in various lengths or by the linear metre. They feature a ramped edge to reduce the likelihood of tripping.

For more information on our Fatigue Stopper Fluted Rubber Anti-Fatigue Mat, contact our expert team at 0117 954 1117 or email info@provincialrubber.co.uk.


Vinyl top surface with PVC foam backing (fusion bonded, not glued)

Surface Finish

3mm fluted ribbed embossed surface

Product Height


Roll Length


Operating Temperature

0°C to +60°C

Environmental Resistance

Suitable for dry indoor environments

Installation Method

Loose lay

Cleaning Method

Brush/Mop the top surface

Country of Origin


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