We have an extensive range of High Temperature Fabric Seals to cover a variety of applications, from simple spigot connectors, to high temperature ductwork seals complete with flanges and insulation. Movements in all planes can be obtained, along with the attenuation of both noise and vibration.
The principal of High Temperature Seals or Expansion Joints is to utilise the heat resistance capabilities of glasscloths and ceramics. At the higher end of the temperature scale, Insulation Bolsters are incorporated into the design. Insulation Bolsters are produced with ceramic glasscloth or Needlefelt, enclosed in a woven glasscloth base layer. In conjunction with steel flow-liners, these remove the main seal from the direct flow, ensuring maximum durability.
Typical examples where Fabric Seals are found include Boiler Flues and Chimneys, Fan Connectors, Penetration Seals and Gas Turbine Exhausts.
With temperature ratings up to 1100 degrees centigrade, virtually all circumstances are catered for. Each standard seal is constructed from Graphite impregnated Woven Glasscloth for temperature resistance, PTFE Foil to give a chemical barrier and Silicone Coated Woven Glasscloth for a weatherproof outer cover and to assist with pressure containment. Other materials available include a variety of rubber and aluminium coated glasscloths, Kevlar and Steel Reinforced Fabrics.
Due to the diverse range of both ductwork sizes and operating conditions, each design is bespoke, including connection arrangements. Spigot-type connectors are supplied with optional stainless steel clamping bands.
Some of the companies we supply products to: